30 July thru 1 August 2022

Gold Dust West Casino Hotel, CARSON CITY, NEVADA

*  It is impossible to plan events with certainty these days, so SACC has negotiated opt-out contracts for the 2022 convention.  Our registration deadline is 31 May, but all financial commitments can be cancelled up to a month (30 June) before the event without penalties.  While wages, supply chain disruptions and general inflation has pushed all prices up about 20%, our flexibility still allowed fun stuff in the budget.


The first day will take care of business with the national board and chapter meetings, followed by the welcome reception.  All ladies registered for the reception will receive a surprise gift of jewelry that can be customized on the spot.  After the reception, choose from many of the local restaurants for supper according to your own preferences.


The second day is tech sessions for those who want to learn about their cars OR a vintage train ride to Virginia City for those who want to sightsee or shop.  Virginia City is one of the largest historical venues in the USA that dates from the discovery of the Comstock Lode gold vein in 1859.  Mark Twain lived there and worked for his brother’s newspaper from 1861-1863.  The town grew to 28,000 with over 100 saloons.  Today, there are still 1,200 residents, wooden boardwalks, 15 museums, 2 mines with tours, a traditional noon siren and 67% of the remaining saloons are women owned.  Getting to Virginia City will be an adventure of its own on a vintage railroad.  Participants will carpool 4.5 miles to the train depot, then take the 12-mile trip to Virginia City in a rail coach pulled by a steam locomotive.  Along the way are two tunnels, the water tank, and possible viewing of wild mustangs.  There are 3.5 hours in Virginia City before the return train ride.  That evening, will be a group BBQ buffet at Red’s Old 395 Grille.  You’ll enjoy the rustic wood décor with old wagons hanging from the rafters.


The third day is a road tour in our Corvettes with a box lunch.  That evening will be the banquet at the hotel followed by the annual member meeting and election of national officers.  Plan to join the fun knowing we have an escape clause available on 30 June.


T-Shirts:  The 2022 convention will feature the 1962 cars and pictures are needed for the artwork on T-shirts, signage, etc.   Members who own a 1962 are asked to send pictures by 30 April to Lucy Badenhoop via badenhoop@comcast.net  or call her at 916-216-7040.  The art work must be ready on 31 May when the shirts are ordered for silk screening.  If the convention is later cancelled, T-shirts will be mailed with a refund of other registration fees.  For similar reasons, convention shirts will not be sold on site – only through the registration form, but note the larger range of sizes being offered. Generic SACC logo apparel and other logo items will be offered on site.

* Click HERE for the Registration Form.


30 July Saturday                              31 July Sunday                    1 August Monday

9 am SACC Board Mtg                    9 am tech sessions             9 am road tour

2 pm Chapter Mtg                            9 am Virginia City Train      12 noon box lunch

5 pm Welcome Reception              6 pm Red’s BBQ                  6 pm banquet & Mtg

Carson City is in the center of the region’s historic & recreational venues (See Map).

Our host is the Gold Dust West Casino Hotel (separate but connected buildings). 

Guests choose from 147 rooms with varying floor plans and all have free access to the hotel amenities (pool, fitness center, business center, wifi and more).  If you travel by RV, there is a Good Sam approved RV park next door – call the hotel to reserve site(s).

$115 Room (double queen or king)

$125 Jr. Suite (double queen or king)

$135 Jr. Suite + Spa (double queen or king)

$150 Two Room Suite (king)

$160 Two Room Suite + Spa (king)

+County room tax 11% (no resort fee)

+$2 per day COVID cleaning fee

 How to book your room:

Reservations by 31 May, you need :

1.      group code SOLAXL722

2.      credit card _____________________________

By phone:    877-519-5567 or 775-885-9000; press #1; request SACC room block

By internet:  www.gdwcasino.com; click Carson City; click Book Hotel Reservations

Hotel guests receive a breakfast coupon (limited menu) for the on-site restaurant.


Hot August Nights Virginia City before SACC 29-30 July:  30 miles East on Hwy 50

Hot August Nights Reno after SACC 2-7 August:   33 miles North on Hwy 395/580.

Register separately on their website:   hotaugusthights.net